Join us in making all the companies you love investable!

We started by using our tools for ourselves. Since 01.02.2021 we offer tokenized Aktionariat AG shares on the Ethereum Blockchain. The DAKS corresponds to a full-fledged share according to the Swiss Code of Obligations and can be bought here.
Learn more
Important Notices:
Public offering is only open to persons domiciled in Switzerland and in the EEA: This offering to purchase the shares is only open to persons domiciled or resident in Switzerland or in the EEA. Persons from other countries are expressly excluded and it is prohibited to distribute this offering in any way in such countries. The offering is limited in Switzerland to a total CHF 8,000,000 and in the EEA to a total of €100,000.
No guarantee regarding forecasts: This website contains forward-looking statements and forecasts relating to the future development of the company and its business. These forecasts are estimates that we have made on the basis of all the information available to us at the present time. Should the assumptions underlying these forecasts fail to occur or if risks should materialize, then actual developments and outcomes might deviate from current forecasts.‍
No investment advice or recommendation: This website contains general information on the offering. This information does not constitute any replacement for financial advice based on the investor's individual circumstances and knowledge. Each person has sole responsibility for seeking the advice of qualified experts in order to assess the suitability of the offering and the associated risks for his or her own financial situation, as well as the tax consequences of potential participation in the offering.
Risks: An investment in shares is associated with various risks, and losses up to the entire investment amount may occur.


Trade directly with other shareholders or new investors by placing sell orders at the price of your choosing.
Description of Business

Today, only 230 out of more than 500′000 Swiss companies are publicly traded on the stock market. Aktionariat has the technical, legal, and economic ideas to change this and to create liquid markets for thousands of additional Swiss companies, potentially unlocking billions in dormant economic value.

Founding Date
03 June 2020
Total Number of Shares
Treasury Shares
Tokenized Shares
Token Name
Market Price
Market Capitalization
Contract Link
No. of Shareholders
Liquidity (ZCHF)

Registration Agreement

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Shareholder Agreement

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Registration Agreement

This agreement outlines the terms and conditions for buying tokenized shares and is required by the Swiss Code of Obligations Art. 973 d.

Please read the agreement carefully before investing.

Common Shareholder Agreement

This is an agreement between the shareholders consisting of a tag-along clause, a drag-along clause and other clauses. The drag-along can be enforced automatically if enough yes votes were collected.
Please read the agreement carefully before investing.

Our vision is that some day, people will be surprised when they can’t buy the shares of a company they like.

More liquidity in Private Equity:
About Aktionariat AG

Aktionariat AG was founded in 2020 by Luzius Meisser and Murat Ögat with the goal to attract companies of fundamental value to the space of decentralized finance, and to better connect them to their current and future shareholders.

Our Vision

A new world of more inclusive capitalism.

Our Mission

To provide a technical solution that allows thousands of companies to create a market for their shares in an easy, secure and affordable way.
To enable investors to invest in a new asset class known as private equity without having to spend money on unnecessary intermediaries.

Business Model

Just think: these days, it takes a lot to buy and trade a share in a private company:

  • Find a company that is looking for investors
  • Negotiate a price and the terms of investment
  • Transfer money to a blocked account
  • Have it notarized

Then receive your shares in the form of an extract from the BoD resolution and be registered in the share register. Duration 1-6 months. If you want to sell these shares again there are hardly any possibilities.

With our solution, an investment in an unlisted company takes a maximum of a few minutes. The shares are delivered immediately in the form of cryptographic tokens. A so-called smart contract ensures that both parties receive their goods in the desired quantity.

In addition, the issuing company can provide a certain amount of liquidity (XCHF) so that the shares can be partially sold again. This can create a kind of secondary market. The whole thing works completely without intermediaries, i.e. shares and money (CHF, XCHF, ETH) flow directly between the company and investors and no one pays unnecessary fees.

This opens up a new asset class, especially for retail investors, the non-public companies. Moreover, thanks to the ease of transferability on the blockchain, these types of shares can suddenly be easily traded; they become more liquid and thus more valuable. We make that possible!

Investors can use our hot wallet in the form of an app for free to make investments and manage their shares and other assets without the need of a bank.

Our revenues are mainly generated through a SaaS/Success Fee Model charged to the companies using our tools. There are no transaction fees for either the buyer or the seller, besides the blockchain network costs.

Our Team

We are a team of entrepreneurs, innovators and builders who strongly believe in the value created by the blockchain economy. Read more about us in our website.

About Us

Create A Market For Your Shares.
We provide the tech to do just that.

We hereby invite you to join us on our journey by becoming a fellow shareholder of Aktionariat AG.

We believe in open and free technology. That’s why the source code of all our smart contracts is freely available and why we build on the open infrastructure of the public Ethereum blockchain. We want the shares of our client companies to be freely interactable and not be locked into a proprietary system. Also, we are committed to staying a pure technology provider and to let potential partners supply our clients with auxiliary financial and legal services.

Our solution allows any investor to purchase shares of private companies within less than a minute. All that is needed is an Ethereum wallet, which we also offer. Thanks to our open system architecture, our investment process is best in class. Moreover, our solution does not require any financial intermediaries such as banks and allows a direct, unmanipulable transaction between investor and company. Whether self-custody of the shares in an own wallet or at a bank, we make both possible.

Our market solution is unique in the private equity space and has already increased the liquidity of securities traded in this way in many cases today. However, we still see potential for improvement and are therefore working on an expansion of this solution. At the same time, we are building bridges between the old and new worlds of finance with representatives of Traditional Finance. By the end of 2023, to our knowledge, we were the global leader in tokenizing real shares on a public blockchain.

Client Statements

We can write a lot about our solution but what do our clients think about it?

With Aktionariat, tokenizing our shares and setting up a market was a breeze. While the tools are unique, the real value lies in the team’s ability to respond to customer needs and continually evolve the product. Not for the bores or the procrastinators, Aktionariat is a perfect fit for us!

Simon Boss

CEO, COB, Founder, Co-Owner, Boss Info

Thanks to Aktionariat, we can offer our employees, customers and investors a simple solution to buy and sell quitt.shares. Aktionariat has managed to wrap the complex world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies into a customer-friendly and innovative product. Keep up the good work!

Marie-Christin Kamann

CEO, quitt

Since 2017, we have been tirelessly working on how we can further empower the consumer. With the Security Token Offering we finally found a way to go a big step further. Aktionariat provided us with the tools to transform our stakeholders into shareholders while being the first brand to raise CHF 0.5M over a weekend and now continuously raise more through a tradable security token on our own website.

Roy Bernheim



"The Swiss based platform Akionariat is an example of a firm that currently offers tokenization services of stocks for Swiss companies."
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2023

"Co-Founder Luzius Meisser gehört zu den Digital Shapers 2021." Bilanz, 2021

"Startups für alle: Die «Demokratisierung» von Private Equity und Venture Capital hat begonnen." NZZ, 15.07.2022

"Wieso steigt mit der Tokenisierung die Agilität, die Mitwirkung und der Unternehmens-Wert?" HSLU, 2021

"Akionariat was crowned winner in the Vertical "Fintech" at the Startup Days 2022 in Bern.", 2022

"Asset Token: Unternehmensfinanzierung auf der Blockchain – wird der klassische Kapitalmarkt obsolet?", 2022

The money we receive we invest in three main areas.

Increasing the degree of automation and adding valuable features are planned for 2023. That's why  a substantial amount is invested in product development which is done by our employees.

The money we receive we invest in three main areas.

Increasing the degree of automation and adding valuable features are planned for 2023. That's why a substantial amount is invested in product development which is done by our employees.

Why invest in Aktionariat AG?

Three reasons to invest in Aktionariat

Our solution enables the mapping of real-world assets onto a blockchain. According to various studies, the market potential for this use case is enormous.

Since blockchain technology is still comparatively young, but the potential in the area of real assets is significant, we expect strong market growth within the next 5-10 years.

We are committed to always provide a certain level of liquidity to buy back shares from investors. Therefore the DAKS can be regarded as reasonably liquid.

In 2024 we are increasing the product-market fit

In the first two years, we concentrated on setting up the product, scanning the market and winning the first customers. We learned a lot about our customers and saw how the market was slowly developing. Our products have undergone many optimizations. At the same time, we deliberately kept the pricing very low and as a one-time fee to offer customers a lower entry threshold. Our knowledge about how to efficiently target companies and investors improved tremendously.

The year 2023 was about scalability. However, as the demand for our solution did not progress at the speed we expected due to 2022, we adjusted our focus to the circumstances. We saved about CHF 500K in costs compared to 2023. The implementation of the self-service solution is in the starting blocks, but has been deprioritized. We will only be able to exploit the resulting efficiency gains if there is sufficient demand. Instead, we have surveyed our target market and rethought and realigned our product pipeline on this basis. In the meantime, we have successfully introduced our SaaS model and extended it to all existing customers from 01.01.2024. Our customers' acceptance of the new pricing model proves that our solution offers real value. In addition, we have created a legal framework to serve German companies and applied for the UK sandbox.

We are particularly excited about the upcoming launch of our P2P trading feature. We are convinced that this is a crucial piece of the puzzle that will allow us to address customer segments that we have so far only been able to serve inadequately. Our financing remains secure, allowing us to focus fully on product and market development. Our talented team remains hungry and motivated.


Aktionariat AG has been founded in June 2020 with 120′000 CHF of capital and ended the year with about 30′000 CHF liquidity left. Details can be found in the unaudited financial report for 2020. We do not expect to reach break-even before the year 2026 and therefore depend on further investments. So far we collected about CHF 5 Mio. in funds soley through our Brokerbot. For the rest of 2024, we will need about 900′000 CHF of additional funding, which we will raise mainly through the sale of newly created shares. Funding can come from three sources: the founders, employees using part of their salaries to buy more shares, and external investors that are adventurous enough to believe in our vision. Our aim is to route all of these transactions through our open market (Brokerbot), giving every buyer the exact same opportunity to buy our shares and creating a high level of market transparency. In case there is not enough public interest in our shares, Luzius is committed to step in.

Aktionariat AG - 2023
The audited financial report for the fiscal year 2023.
View Report
Aktionariat AG - 2022
The unaudited financial report for the fiscal year 2022.
View Report
Aktionariat AG - 2021
The unaudited financial report for the fiscal year 2021.
View Report
Aktionariat AG - 2020
The unaudited financial report for the fiscal year 2020.
View Report

Key Performance Indicator

We are convinced that transparency is central to building trust with investors. That's why we developed this KPI chart, which shows the progress of our business based on a central metric. Of course, this widget is also available to our customers.

In our case, it shows the monthly volume of transactions in XCHF and ZCHF processed by all Brokerbots in use. This gives a clear indication of the business progress.

Market Potential

Tokenization of global illiquid assets estimated to be a $16 Trillion business opportunity by 2030 (BCGxADDX, 2022 p.7).

Global market potential
$16 tn

BCG and ADDX estimate the global market for tokenized illiquid assets to be $16 tn opportunity globally by 2030 (Relevance of on-chainasset tokenization in‘crypto winter’, BCGxADDX, 2022, p.7).

Unlisted Equity potential
$700 b

BCG and ADDX estimate the global market for tokenized unlisted equity to be $700 b opportunity globally by 2030 (Relevance of on-chainasset tokenization in‘crypto winter’, BCGxADDX, 2022, p.7).

Share of global GDP
10% GDP

According to a study conducted by WEF 10% of global gross domestic product (GDP) will be stored on blockchain technology by 2027 (Deep ShiftTechnology Tipping Points and Societal Impact, 2015, p.24).

Global Venture Funding
$415.1 b

According to the CB Insights 2022 State of Venture Report venture funding slides 35% YoY to $415.1B in 2022 (CB Insights 2022 State of Venture Report, 2023, p.12).

EU Venture Funding
$81 b

According to the CB Insights 2022 State of Venture Report EU venture funding slides 17% YoY to $81B in 2022 (CB Insights 2022 State of Venture Report, 2023, p.200).

CH Venture Equity
CHF 3.9 b reports a total of CHF 3'969 Mio has been invested in Swiss start-ups in 2022.(, VC Report 2023).

Notable Shareholders

We derive great value from our broad shareholder base and are proud to have already convinced almost 300 investors of our company. These include some well-known faces from the Swiss start-up scene. A small selection of our investors can be found here.

Tobias Reichmuth

  • Serial entrepreneur and investor
  • Founding Partner Maximon – the Longevity Company Builder
  • Co-Founder Crypto Finance Group (exited to Deutsche Börse Group in 2021)
  • Founder Crypto Finance Conference (CFC) St. Moritz
  • Founder SUSI Partners AG (EUR 1.8bn Clean Energy Infrastructure Manager)
  • Co-Founder The Singularity Group (UCITS Fund investing in innovation leaders)
  • “Lion” at “Höhle der Löwen Schweiz» (aka Shark-Tank)
  • Invested in more than 20 start-ups

Marc P. Bernegger

  • Serial entrepreneur and investor
  • Board Member of Crypto Finance AG (exited to Deutsche Börse Group in 2021)
  • Vice Chairman of Crypto Finance (Brokerage) AG
  • Co-founded of & sold to Axel Springer Media
  • Co-founded amiando & sold to Xing
  • Board Member of CfC St. Moritz
  • Board Member of Swiss Blockchain Federation
  • Chairman of Longevity Investors
  • Was named ‘’Global Technology Pioneer’’ by World Economic Forum

Jürg Conzett

  • Founder and Director of the MoneyMuseum Zurich. Focus on history of money and research
  • Career at Citibank New York and Tokyo in private banking,
  • Responsible for investment strategy at Dow Banking, Bank Cantrade Zurich
  • Formerly founder of a group of offshore investment funds
  • Co-Founder of medignition AG, a digital health-care company
  • Board of Directors and Investor Centi AG, specialized in micropayments

Cedric Waldburger

  • Serial Entrepreneur and Investor in Europe, Asia, USA
  • Founder & GP Tomahawk.VC and Tenderloin Ventures (Early Stage Investment Funds)
  • Chairman of the Board at Liquity AG
  • Founder or early Employee at Sumup, Sendtask, Mediasign, ASmallWorld
  • Founding Board Member at Dfinity Foundation (Internet Computer)
  • Early Investor in 25+ companies across Fintech, Social, Crypto and SaaS
  • Crypto Investor since 2013

Price Chart

Aktionariat AG's capital is divided into shares with a nominal value of 0.10 CHF each, out of which shares are held by the company itself. On the basis of a Registration Agreement, Aktionariat shares are registered on the Ethereum blockchain as ERC-20 tokens named . The current market price per share is , implying a market capitalization of . The company is governed by its Articles of Association.

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Trade History

On the left side you can see the five most recent share transactions. The complete trade history is also available for download as a CSV file.
On the right side the monthly DAKS trading volume is displayed in TCHF.

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Outlook Share Price

As the increment is set today, the price moves up by 1 CHF for every 100,000 shares bought by investors. With all the shares available today, the price per share could rise to a maximum of 14.50 CHF. This maximum price would imply a valuation of 24’000'000 CHF. This will be achieved when all 150,000 new shares to be issued have been sold.

We want to let the market decide what it considers to be a fair valuation. That is why we continue to ensure sufficient Borkerbot liquidity on both sides of the market.

Important partnerships, among many other very positive signs, give us great confidence for the future. The tokenization of assets will continue to progress and we will remain at the forefront of ensuring broad adaptation.

External factors remain an additional source of uncertainty. We will continue to monitor macroeconomic developments in order to adjust our strategy accordingly.

Please note that there is no guarantee that the share price will develop in a certain way. An investment in shares of Aktionariat AG should be considered a high risk investment.

Funding Progress

Amount Planned to Raise
1 m
All the money we raised came through the Brokerbot

We are still in a phase with high capital needs. Therefore we will soon create additional shares to allow for further investors to join the journey. The additional shares should last for about 12 months. We are open to different types of investors.

Current Badge - Ongoing
Sold Shares
Raised Funds
Liquidity Pool
First Badge - Sold
Sold Shares
Raised Funds

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Shareholder Registry

Why you need a registration?

Register your personal information to be automatically included in Aktionariat AG's shareholder registry and exercise your shareholder rights.

Registration can also be done through the Brokerbot while buying and in the Aktionariat Mobile Wallet.

Until you complete the registration process, you will only be a token holder and not a recognized shareholder of the company.
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Need more information?

Download our Pitch Deck for more information on our offering. If you need more information, our management team is always happy to answer any questions you may have. Don't hesitate to reach out and connect with us.

© 2024, Aktionariat AG
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